The heart that breaks open can contain the whole universe.

— Joanna Macy

Centering your wellness

can feel impossible when you’re used to ignoring your own needs and desires. But you know better than anyone the cost of living this way: You feel exhausted and overwhelmed, out of touch with yourself.

You long to come home to your feelings, your wisdom, living in alignment with your truth.

Sound Familiar?

Anxious Attachments/Over-functioning

Clinging to others or your to-do list can mean that facing a moment of stillness makes you squirm. It’s hard to stop doing, and you avoid slowing down because it feels uncomfortable. There’s a sense of disquiet inside and you’re not sure why.

People Pleasing

You bend over backward to make others feel okay. But things never seem quite good enough, and you don’t set boundaries because you feel guilty.

Struggles with Control/Letting Go

You find it hard to accept the way things are if they don’t align with how you want them to be. Your mind works to fix or regain control, and the notion of allowing or letting go feels unsettling.

Hiding | Masking

You adjust and mold to fit whatever the moment calls for. The authentic you is so far from view you’ve begun to wonder where or if that person exists. It’s just easier to live with the facade than admit to anyone that you’re suffering.

I can help.

I’ve walked a similar path of healing and have made it my mission to help others move from feeling trapped in painful repetitive patterns to knowing lasting internal freedom and joy.

You are capable of change

Working together, you will:

Breakthrough Burdensome Patterns that Keep You Feeling Stuck

Overcome Obstacles and Remove Blocks to Joy and Connection

Learn to Quiet the Mind and Stay Present for Your Emotions

Build Secure Bonds Inside Yourself and With Those You Care About

Discover for yourself what to expect in the process by learning more about how I can help you.

Start a new relationship with yourself.